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MiX by Powerfleet supports BTRA in pursuit of safety and fair play

Birmingham, England – 17 April, 2019 – MiX by Powerfleet (NYSE: MIXT), a leading global provider of fleet and mobile asset management solutions, announced that it will continue its support of the British Truck Racing Association (BTRA) by providing a technical delegate to operate a telematics-based speed monitoring service for every race on the 2019 calendar.

In addition to supplying the required fleet manager telematics technology for the 2019 racing calendar, MiX by Powerfleet will also provide the services of Senior Fleet Consultant Sue Kairies, who will act as the BRTA's Judge In Fact of Speed at every meeting. 

"The BTRA is indebted to MiX by Powerfleet for its long-standing support and the part it plays in helping our sport remain as safe and fair as possible,” comments BTRA Chairman, Steve Horne. 

Fleet manager will also assist drivers by providing real-time onboard alerts to warn of instances where the maximum speed limit has been exceeded. In this way, drivers are able to monitor their performance accordingly to avoid any retrospective penalties.

According to Sue Kairies: "My role is to provide the on-site support which the BTRA needs in order to enforce its compulsory speed limit and settle any disputes. The onboard telematics system alerts me of any infringements. Division 1 trucks are allowed individual infringements of up to 0.75s, while the figure for Division 2 vehicles is 2.75s.  Should an infringement exceed the permitted duration, I then inform Terry Cox, the Chief Scrutineer, for the appropriate penalty to be applied.” 

Editor's note: The 2019 BTRA calendar

21-22 Apr        Brands Hatch

11-12 May       Pembrey

29-30 Jun        Thruxton

19-20 Jul         Nüburgring

10-11 Aug       Donington

7-8 Sep           Snetterton

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MiX by Powerfleet develops and implements connected fleet and mobile asset management solutions for customers across the globe. Our SaaS enabled software is developed to meet our customers’ requirements and aims to build long-term partnerships.

Founded in 1996, our heritage spans more than 25 years. Built on a solid foundation of deep-rooted expertise, we continue to hone our fleet management capabilities that are underpinned by innovation. This is evident throughout our product portfolio that meets the breadth of modern fleet challenges in an evolving industry.

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