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New, Free Business Intelligence Tool From MiX by Powerfleet Enables Fleet Managers to Customize Data Views For Powerful Insights

BOCA RATON, Fla. – Aug. 29, 2016 – MiX by Powerfleet (NYSE: MIXT), a leading global provider of fleet and mobile asset management solutions, announced today a new, free add-on to its popular MiX Fleet Manager solution: MiX Insight Agility.

The new solution creates a data cube that’s accessible via Microsoft Excel and automatically updated with fresh fleet data. By enabling fleet managers to pull together multiple data sources in one place, MiX Insight Agility helps them:

  • Easily create and customize reports, graphs and dashboards
  • Explore their data in new ways, to find deeper, actionable insights that help further improve safety and efficiency
  • Create more compelling reports that colleagues will read and understand
  • Save hours of time in compiling reports each month

“MiX customers asked for more ways to analyze their fleet data, and we delivered,” said Skip Kinford, President and CEO at MiX by Powerfleet Americas. “Feedback on MiX Insight Agility from our fleet customers around the world has been enormously positive, with customers reporting that it saves their teams hours of work each month.”

To learn more about MiX solutions, including MiX Fleet Manager and MiX Insight Agility, visit

About MiX by Powerfleet

MiX by Powerfleet develops and implements connected fleet and mobile asset management solutions for customers across the globe. Our SaaS enabled software is developed to meet our customers’ requirements and aims to build long-term partnerships.

Founded in 1996, our heritage spans more than 25 years. Built on a solid foundation of deep-rooted expertise, we continue to hone our fleet management capabilities that are underpinned by innovation. This is evident throughout our product portfolio that meets the breadth of modern fleet challenges in an evolving industry.

Our products and services reach more than 120 countries and are supported by a prolific network of 130 channel partners and regional offices in 8 countries.

Contact MiX by Powerfleet to discuss how we can solve your fleet management problems and increase efficiency, sustainability, security, compliance and safety.
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