MiX Vision
Bureau Service™
The team provides regular feedback to clients concerning driver behaviour and the health status of the MiX Vision cameras. They assist clients in obtaining camera footage of incidents, reporting faults found on cameras and any other queries related to MiX Vision.
The MiX Vision Bureau carries out weekly health checks on the in-cab safety cameras to determine whether the cameras are fully functional, correctly aligned and not obstructed or tampered with.
Weekly feedback is captured on the MiX Vision Health Check report listing all camera faults with corresponding video clip links also provided.
In addition, clients subscribed to the gold MiX Vision Bureau Service programme will receive daily notifications concerning driver behaviours that need to be addressed and will have access to these flagged events via the online driver coaching platform.
What is MiX Vision?

MiX Vision captures video footage using in-vehicle and optional external cameras. This footage helps fleet managers to conveniently obtain an accurate first-hand view of their fleet operations. The key benefits of this solution include the improvement of driver safety through coaching using video examples and the ability to defend against false accident claims.
MiX Vision integrates seamlessly with MiX Fleet Manager and delivers forward-looking and cab-facing video with sound, plus two optional additional views from externally positioned cameras. MiX Vision continuously captures a rolling 72 hours of video for retrieval of any 2:30-minute segment when needed, thus providing fleet managers with the opportunity to retrieve a comprehensive view of an incident as well as the events that led up to the incident.
Benefits to having a video-based safety programme:
- Extension of your telematics solution
- Promotes proactive instead of reactive driving event management
- Gives context to driving incidents through videos
- Provides actionable data
- Protects your company from liability
- Helps eliminate unnecessary costs related to driver behaviour
- Helps protect drivers
- Reduces insurance liabilities
- Combines video and vehicle/driver data for use in incident analysis, insurance claims, as well as health and safety initiatives

How does it work?

- When an exception-based driving event occurs, the system triggers the automatic upload of up to four videos – one inward-facing clip showing the driver, one outward-facing clip showing the road and two optional clips from externally positioned cameras.
- Video recordings with sound and data from the vehicle’s on-board computer are uploaded via a secure hosting infrastructure.
- Video footage is reviewed, analysed and scored by a MiX Video Analyst. Reports and data with video icons can be accessed by clients via the MiX Vision Bureau portal. To save on download times and operating costs, only low resolution videos are uploaded initially. But high-resolution versions of each video are stored and easily available for download, if required.
- Dashboards and detailed reports can be accessed via the MiX Vision Bureau portal.
- Reports provide insight into the root causes of driving related risks that will be used for driver coaching in order to improve driver behaviour and reduce costs.
SILVER MiX Vision Bureau Service
Health Check Programme
The MiX Vision Bureau video analyst:
- Reviews a minimum of three in-trip video clips per vehicle per week
- Proactively monitors GSM data usage to prevent extra costs
- Logs any faults with the MiX Technical Support team for resolution
- Logs weekly feedback on the Health Check dashboard (Fault’s tab)

GOLD MiX Vision Bureau Service
Driver Coaching Programme
The MiX Vision Bureau provides additional services which include:

- Reviewing, analysing and scoring of in-trip video clips daily*
- Scoring each violation in the video clip using demerit points for inclusion in the Driver Scorecard Dashboard
- Identifying coachable events and sending daily notifications via email to the client’s own Driver Trainer for review upon which the Driver Trainer performs 1-on-1 driver debriefing and coaching
- On-going monitoring to determine coaching effectiveness and driver improvement
*Please note: daily health checks occur Monday to Saturday, excluding public holidays
MiX Vision Bureau Tools
Track progress via Dashboards and Trend Reports:
- MiX Vision Health Check Report – Silver: clients receive a weekly report detailing the camera health for the entire fleet. The report lists all camera concerns identified for a selected timeframe (camera obstructed/tampered with, not fully functional or not correctly aligned) with links to the clips that have been checked
- MiX Vision Health Dashboard (Camera Faults) – Gold: ensuring uptime of all MiX Vision camera units on a daily basis, in order to proactively manage hardware failure and tampering of cameras
- Overview Dashboards – Gold: shows detailed comparisons of coaching effectiveness for all coaches allocated on the system, as well as site score comparisons
- Coaching Dashboard – Gold: lists all coachable events flagged for attention in order for the driver trainer to easily review and take appropriate action
- Incident Overview Dashboard – Gold: overview of all coachable events identified per incident
- Coaching Report – Gold: lists all details for a specific incident which can be used for driver accountability and coaching
- Driver Scorecard – Gold: listing all drivers ranked by their MiX Vision Risk Score, including driver trends in order to see improvements and/or declines in driver behaviour
- Individual Driver Risk Profiles – Gold: shows in-depth record of driver’s previous flagged behaviours. It includes any outstanding coaching that the driver still needs to undergo in order for repeated offences to be avoided in the future
- Incident Map Overview – Gold: an overview of all incidents on an interactive map, therefore determining high risk areas