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Cardiff Bus

Cardiff Bus has more than 500 drivers, who can all log on to their own MyMiX profiles and see where they can improve.
Cardiff Bus - Public Transport
With a history dating back to 1902, Cardiff Bus is the authority on passenger transport in Wales. In an effort to develop a safer, more efficient fleet, they turned to MiX by Powerfleet for a solution. Cardiff Bus was given access to huge amounts of data and the guidance to analyse it so that they could evaluate and correct driver behaviour as well as practise preventative maintenance.
"The ongoing partnership, support and services that MiX provide is the key to this project’s continuing success."
Gareth Mole, Engineering Director for Cardiff Bus

Cardiff Bus is the main operator of bus services in the Welsh capital of Cardiff and its surrounds. Their iconic green and orange fleet transports 100,000 passengers on 3,000 journeys every single day.


To put Cardiff Bus on the road to success, MiX by Powerfleet implemented solutions to address two things – driver behaviour and fleet maintenance. With the help of MiX Fleet Manager and the RIBAS driver display add-on, Cardiff Bus can track poor driving behaviours (such as speeding and hard braking) and provide in-cab warnings to drivers when they engage in these behaviours. The data from these two solutions are then used to implement driver scoring. Using the MyMiX app, drivers track their scores and their overall performance.

MiX Fleet Manager generates large volumes of data, every day. Using that data and combining it with meaningful reporting, Cardiff Bus now implements preventative maintenance by meaningful engine temperature, oil pressure, battery voltage and accelerometer data. Their engineering team uses this information to schedule repairs and maintenance before serious damage is done to engines. This, in turn, saves costs, reduces downtime, extends the lifetime of vehicles and much more.

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Melanie Esterhuizen

15 December 2021

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