3 ways to improve your fleet’s compliance
Fleets operate in highly regulated environments. These environments differ from region to region, as do the rules and regulations around safety management, journey management and the monitoring of driving hours for Hours of Service. Regardless of where you are in the world, however, there are several ways to improve your fleet’s compliance.
Comply with health, safety and environmental (HSE) regulations in your country
The logical way to prevent poor driver behavior from negatively impacting your fleet’s safety is to make your employees more aware of how they drive.
For fleet compliance, you should have safety management policies, people and procedures in place to clarify:
- How your organization uses the road (who is driving, what vehicles are used, the journeys undertaken by drivers and how they drive on the road);
- the risk it creates;
- the potential consequences of those risks, and
- the measures needed to manage and reduce these risks and consequences.
Fleet management is a practical way of achieving this. The technology gathers accurate information about your vehicles and drivers, analyzes driving behavior to identify strengths and weaknesses, and creates personalized feedback for individual drivers.
HSE requires that staff are fit and competent to drive safely. Telematics identifies driver training and education needs to fit this requirement. Furthermore, it assists in incentivizing drivers to improve their driving, reduces crash rates and risky driving, and improves accident investigations.
The safer driving behaviors that come from implementing telematics has the added benefit of complying with the environmental aspect of HSE. Better driving equals decreased fuel consumption and that, in turn, leads to fewer carbon emissions and cleaner air for all road users.
Another requirement of HSE is to have vehicles that are fit for their intended purpose and in a safe condition. A fleet management solution assists with keeping maintenance schedules up to date without sacrificing fleet utilization.
Make sure that that your drivers are trained appropriately and are in vehicles that are keeping them safe by using the right fleet management solution.

Carey Worldwide Chauffeur
Discover how Carey Worldwide Chauffeur Services reduced the number of accidents in their fleet by using telematics to monitor and improve bad driver behavior.
Safety is Archrock’s top priority, and MiX by Powerfleet unquestionably helped us identify and reduce or eliminate unsafe driving behavior – leading not only to significant dollar savings, but also helping to improve our overall safety profile.

There was a noticeable, double-digit increase in monthly and annual fuel economy, and their commitment to safety was strengthened with the help of driver behavior monitoring.
Log driving hours electronically
In the U.S., the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Hours of Service (HOS) rule requires all commercial motor vehicle drivers to track their Record of Duty Status (RoDS) electronically.
Up until recently, paper was the go-to medium for logging driving hours. Electronic logging devices are superior for many reasons:
- Electronic logs eliminate human interference, which improves accuracy;
- Electronic logging devices (ELDs) don’t forget to log on-duty or non-driving time – this is done automatically;
- When using ELDs, drivers do not have to waste time filling out forms or wait for approval before going on to their next job, and
- Paycheck information is more accurate, making processing much faster.
The HOS rule is not only a way to keep an accurate electronic record of working hours but, more importantly, it assists in fatigue management to prevent the 20% of accidents caused by drowsy drivers. This is accomplished by limiting the amount of driving hours per day and the number of driving and working hours per week. Drivers are required to take a minimum period of rest and are kept on a 21- to 24-hour schedule to maintain a natural sleep/wake cycle.
Fatigued drivers contribute to thousands of crashes every year. Fatigue causes a decrease in decision-making and processing abilities, which means that these drivers cannot respond in time to perform critical driving tasks (such as stopping at a red light or turning the wheel to avoid an obstacle). This can lead to serious injury, death and property damage. So, not only does fatigue negatively impact the safety of your fleet, but also your bottom line.
Dive deeper with our white papers

White Paper – In-cab video monitoring for improving driver behavior
Did you know that in-cab video monitoring can assist with driver training, provide post-crash analysis and, prevent and reduce crashes? Find out how

The essential elements of a telematics policy
Our white paper shows you how to create a telematics policy that guides your drivers through the rules of safe road use, the risks involved in not adhering to these rules and how to reduce these risks.

MiX Hours of Service
MiX HOS is a state-of-the-art technology component of the MiX Fleet Manager solution. This sophisticated offering covers the entire operational business process of driver fatigue management.
Be compliant with important regulations such as Hours of Service and IFTA for the U.S., Remote DTCO download for Europe and Electronic Work Diaries for Australia
If you operate or manage a fleet, you need to be aware of and compliant with your country’s specific regulations. You also need to ensure that your drivers are on board to avoid getting penalized.
Hours of Service solutions have specialized features that can help you achieve fleet compliance, wherever you are in the world. Since the process is largely automated, there is less pressure on you and your drivers.
These solutions provide an electronic toolkit for compliance with:
- Hours of Service (HOS) in the U.S.: ELDs allow drivers to accurately log their driving hours electronically and fleet managers to easily transfer important data. Devices are also tamper-proof, FMCSA-approved and prevent driver harassment.
- International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) in the U.S.: As your drivers travel, a telematics solution will track vehicle mileage, distances traveled, location details and fuel consumption that you can use in your fuel tax reports. All of the information is in one place so it’s easy to access and analyze.
- Remote DTCO download in Europe: A digital tachograph download device can work in combination with a telematics solution to monitor drivers’ on-duty driving time against European driving hours regulation and the management of data files.
- Electronic Work Diaries (EWD) in Australia: In an effort to encourage more stringent fatigue management, Australian laws now require historic views, reports and alerts of drivers’ fatigue statuses through the use of EWDs. Telematics solutions comply with these EWD regulations by electronically capturing and reporting on driving hours with accurate time stamps and location details.
Areas of Fleet Compliance
Making sure the business is compliant is important for any type of fleet, it’s the last to ensure that vehicles are safe to operate. Keeping them well maintained prevents unexpected and costly downtime that can disrupt service and cause your customers to become dissatisfied and take their business elsewhere. By having maintenance and other vehicle information easily available, you have proof that important checks have been performed to the required standards and that the trail is auditable, keeping you in compliance with fleet regulations.
Fleet managers are responsible for the following areas of compliance:
- Vehicles and acquisition
- Specification and remarketing
- Maintenance repair
- Parts and warranty
- Fleet safety and risk mitigation
- Licensing
- Registration and permitting
- Drivers
How Fleet Management Software Supports Compliance
Ensuring your fleet is compliant is an important factor for creating effective approaches to things such as the properly scheduled maintenance checks on fleet vehicles. MiX by Powerfleet fleet software solutions helps fleet managers know when to schedule maintenance and other tasks to ensure that fleet compliance standards are met.
Fleet management software can help you with:
Risk and Safety Management—reduce accidents, avoid fines, and possibly lower insurance premiums while helping ensure the safety of employees and other motorists. Fleet management software can collate and report on accidents, near misses, and other incidents so that you can review and revise your safety and risk management processes.
Automate Vehicle Maintenance Schedules—data-driven fleet vehicle maintenance software can help you ensure that vehicle maintenance schedules are adhered to.
Driver Training and Licensing—fleet management software can keep track of driver behavior, licensing, and training, whether it be to improve their driving or ensure that they have the proper training for the equipment or type of vehicle they operate.
How to Conveniently Make Sure a Fleet Is Compliant
The days when conducting vehicle inspections and documenting the chain of responsibility to ensure all bases are covered took a ton of paperwork are over. These days, it’s much easier to conduct your vehicle inspections, make sure the vehicles meet compliance, quickly pull up the vehicle inspection history, and maintain the chain of responsibility.
By using MiX by Powerfleet devices connected to your fleet vehicles’ engine, you can get all this information electronically. You can keep track of vehicle maintenance schedules, licenses, and more through a dashboard that lets you see the big picture as well as by driver and vehicle.
Types of Industries Benefiting from Fleet Compliance
Any industry or business that uses company vehicles can benefit from fleet compliance. There is a MiX by Powerfleet solution for fleets as small as five vehicles to ones that have hundreds or thousands of vehicles.
- Public Transport
- Oil and Gas
- Security
- Mining
- Emergency Services
- Government
- Construction
- Utilities
- Transport and Distribution
- Rental and Leasing
- Fast Moving Consumer Goods
- Landscaping
- Food Delivery
- Small Fleet Management
- Pest Control
- Telecom
By keeping records electronically, all information is easy to find and analyze. No more time wasted searching through paper records, and no more space wasted storing them. It’s all right on the dashboard where it can be searched and sorted.
No matter what service your fleet provides, managing risk helps you avoid incurring costly fines from accident liability or violating regulations. Fleet management software can help you remain in compliance, ensure your drivers drive safely, automate your maintenance schedule, and more.
Driver facing dash cams can monitor driver behavior and alert fleet managers of events such as speeding, texting, and other unsafe behavior. Fleet managers can make decisions on the fly and provide real-time coaching.
Inform drivers on how the software solution works, why it is needed, and how it benefits them, as well as the business.
Yes, fleet data can be accessed from a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.