Fleet management embraces an integrated approach to telematics
that offers far more than viewing your vehicles on a map.
By combining basic telematics with additional tools or enablers, fleet management solutions deliver actionable intelligence to solve complex vehicle-and driver-related problems.
What Is the Purpose of Fleet Management?
Simply put, the purpose of fleet management is to keep track of and manage the location and condition of fleet vehicles and other fleet assets. Whether you own a business with a small fleet or manage a large fleet, you need insight into where your fleet vehicles are, how well, or not well, they are running, and if they are being used appropriately. And, you need to manage the entire life-cycle of your assets while reducing risks, improving fleet efficiency and productivity, and making sure your fleet is in compliance with rules and regulations.
risks and complex challenges
Let us explain the benefits of fleet management.
Vehicle telematics is a system of on-board hardware and software working together to gather, store and transmit information – or data – about vehicles and drivers.
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In-cab video can help identify and improve poor driver behavior – the leading cause of crashes and fatalities on our roads.
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The same solution with journey management can help optimize routes and driving habits, resulting in savings of up to 15% on fuel.
GPS tracking
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GPS tracking
Where non-motorized assets are concerned, a fleet solution helps to monitor the locations of assets, thereby reducing theft and increasing utilization.
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In the U.S., an integrated ELD (electronic logging device) solution can facilitate compliance with the ELD Mandate and save fleets thousands of dollars in safety-related claims.

- Monitors and records driving behavior such as speeding, hard braking and acceleration, idling and more with advanced on-board computing and, online information and tracking portal.
- Generates automated customizable reports with data collected to see where and when drivers engage in risky driving behaviors.
- Provides 24/7 access to reporting for anytime analytics and review.
- Gives real-time light or sound feedback and notifications to drivers via in-cab displays when pre-defined parameters are exceeded.
- Records footage via an in-cab video solution to see what occurred before, during and after any incidents on the road.
- Heightens safety awareness and personal responsibility amongst drivers using driver performance apps.
- Offers the opportunity to provide training and, reward and incentive programs by using vehicle and driver data to create accurate scoring.

- Monitors and reports on fuel-wasting behaviors including, but not limited to, speeding, excessive idling, sudden acceleration and hard braking.
- Tracks vehicles en route, in real-time, to manage routes
- Provides scheduling and licensing reminders to reduce vehicle downtime
- Adds flexibility by offering job assigning while vehicles are on the road to accommodate customers on the fly
- Relays accurate activity timeline to illustrate whether vehicles are being utilized appropriately and timeously

- Equips your fleet with the ability to be fully compliant with any regional driving requirements
- Logs driver hours electronically – lessening paperwork, user error and potential for interference
- Automatically records and reports on trips, and places it online for easy access and review
- Transfers data to enforcement officers where needed with little to no effort on the part of the fleet manager
- Offers driver input two-ways with identification plugs and alerts where compliance requirements are not met
- Connects devices directly to vehicle engines to capture data in action, ensuring every hour and trip is regulated and accounted for

- Provides historical and real-time tracking of mobile and fixed assets
- Reports timelines and information streams online to tell you when assets are unaccounted for, where higher than usual fuel or electricity consumption and more
- Builds personalized communications networks through electronic tagging, beacons and geofencing
- Offers in-depth asset details on an easy-to-access online platform for increased visibility and risk management
- Supplies driver identification tags to protect assets from unauthorized usage and restrict drivers to pre-defined vehicles
- Links owners of identification tags to driving violations and driving violations to offer opportunity for intervention based on correct information
Additional Benefits of Fleet Management
Real-time insight into your fleet lets you make decisions that immediately impact fleet performance, rather than wait until after the fact.
While you cannot control fuel prices, strictly controlling fuel consumption can help control your fuel costs. MiX by Powerfleet fleet management solutions give you insight into the fuel consumption of your fleet and cut costs by notifying drivers in real-time when their driving behavior is causing them to waste fuel.
While real-time information lets you make quick decisions, automated reports give you data you can analyze, see trends in, and develop strategies around to solve long-term issues. Automating reports eliminates human error and saves time.
Fleet management benefits include the ability to schedule preventative maintenance that improves your vehicles' health, keeps them running longer, and reduces unexpected breakdowns that cost you time and money.
When journey management is online, everything such as journey requests, approvals, and monitoring is in one easily accessible, integrated system. It improves safety, customer service and ensures compliance.
Fleet management helps you plan better routes that cut costs, optimize your business, and save gas. You can easily make rerouting decisions on the go.
Of course, you have trusted, highly skilled drivers, but driver fraud can happen, even if there is no malicious intent. No matter how much you trust your team, it's a good idea to track, analyze, and prevent the possibility of fraud, whether it be inadvertent or on purpose. Fleet management software can help you detect anomalies and make data-driven conclusions.
Fleet management telematics not only helps you keep your vehicles running smoothly, but it also helps keep your drivers safe. Poorly maintained vehicles endanger your drivers and others on the road. Poor driving also endangers them and others. With alerts to keep your vehicles maintained and analytics to help identify poor driving habits, you can help improve driver safety.
When you implement fleet management telematics, some insurance companies may offer your fleet a discount or other financial incentives since they know your fleet is likely to have fewer accidents and improve its safety record.
Since fleet telematics helps you reduce driver errors that cause accidents, you don't have the expense of extra costs caused by accidents, such as court claims, increased insurance premiums, and expensive repairs.
When you know where your fleet vehicles are located in real-time, how much longer they will be at their current task or job, and where they are scheduled to go next, you can quickly reroute when needed, add additional jobs, and respond to emergencies without disrupting other customers. You can increase your potential profits with more effective dispatching and fleet management.
A corollary to improved dispatching is improved customer service since a telematics system can help reduce wait times and improve arrival times for customers. You'll be able to provide effective, efficient service to all your customers, increasing the likelihood that they'll remain loyal to your brand and refer your business to others.
GPS fleet tracking your employee timesheets is more accurate, making your invoices and labor costs more accurate. This also helps you ensure that your drivers are not wasting time on the road and helps reduce timesheet fraud.
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What Does Fleet Efficiency Mean for your Business?
Use it like a pro

Borg Manufacturing
Based in New South Wales, Australia, Borg Manufacturing is a leading manufacturer of decorative wood panel surfaces and made-to-order kitchen cabinet doors and benchtops. Despite being an extremely successful operation, Borg was aware of a high rate of unsafe driving and vehicle rollovers – especially in deliveries that took vehicles over hills and through forests. Airco, a MiX by Powerfleet channel partner based in Sydney, recommended MiX Fleet Manager, a fully integrated fleet management solution that would help to meet the company’s safety, efficiency and compliance needs.

Triunfo Concebra
When Triunfo Concebra, a Brazilian-based highway concession company, required a more efficient and less costly way to manage their busy fleet of 300, they turned to the MiX Fleet Manager Premium solution. This sophisticated solution has been closely monitoring both vehicle- and driver-related activities, which has led to, among other things, an impressive decrease in fuel consumption, maintenance costs and road accidents.

Reading Buses
Reading-based bus operator, Reading Buses, chose MiX Fleet Manager, and saw fuel- and driving-related results in nine short months.

The MiX by Powerfleet system that Praxair chose provided peace of mind, as well as the ability to monitor compliance with its strict driver codes in real-time.

Itamaracá Transportes
Itamaracá Transportes from Brazil chose MiX Fleet Manager Premium to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions through more efficient driving.

Bogestra AG
German bus operator BOGESTRA AG chose MiX to help save fuel, reduce carbon emissions and create a more comfortable journey for their passengers.
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Challenges Faced by Fleet Managers
When you manage fleets, drivers, schedules, and costs, you face many challenges. That's where MiX by Powerfleet comes in. We provide technology and software solutions to help you reduce costs, improve driver safety, reduce risk, increase productivity, and schedule preventative maintenance to minimize downtime. Our solutions put information at your fingertips, so you can solve problems quickly.
Fleet managers are tasked with vehicle acquisition, fuel management, fleet safety, compliance, vehicle maintenance, and controlling costs, to name just a few. And there are numerous other tasks they need to handle in order to have a well-run fleet. Their challenge: finding enough time to do all this and more without being suffocated by information overload.

Managing a fleet involves reviewing and analyzing a lot of data, separating out the important information, and using it to make informed decisions. Wading through so much information takes a lot of time, and it is quite likely that some critical information will be missed. One of the main benefits of fleet management software is that it can help you weed out unimportant information and generate reports that contain the vital information you need.
Fuel accounts for a big chunk of any fleet's budget. Using GPS tracking systems can reduce fuel costs by approximately 10%. Our tracking solution alerts you to how often specific vehicles are idling and overall idling across your entire fleet. You can monitor performance, track improvements, and educate your drivers on why they should reduce their idling time.
In addition, with our GPS tracking solution, you can optimize your fleet's routes, reducing total miles driven. With MiX by Powerfleet, we put you in the truck with your driver. You can see their location and their destination in real-time and monitor the traffic and the weather. With this information, you can improve your total fleet efficiency and reduce fuel expenses.
With MiX by Powerfleet, you can use telematics to improve your customer service. Using our GPS tracking solution, you can make sure your drivers stick to their schedules and routes, so they get to every appointment or make every delivery on time. If something goes wrong, with the visibility we give you, you can send the vehicle that is closest to a job, while rerouting other drivers, so that they all get to your customers more quickly. your drivers stick to their schedules and routes, so they get to every appointment or make every delivery on time. If something goes wrong, with the visibility we give you, you can send the vehicle that is closest to a job, while rerouting other drivers, so that they all get to your customers more quickly.
With MiX Asset Manager, you track and locate your assets in real-time, preventing potential theft and misuse of your trucks. You can find them wherever they are with a live information stream, or see where they've been over time with trip replays and records of distances traveled and previous events. You can even view asset diagnostics, such as signal strength and battery status, and export a list of all active assets. You can also track assets such as cable stock, generators, bins, ladders, and more.
One of the biggest problems fleet managers face is driver retention and turnover. This often happens due to disciplinary issues, such as poor driving or too many accidents. With MiX by Powerfleet, you can put in place a training system that helps your drivers improve and reduces fleet labor costs and turnover.
Using GPS tracking data, you can help your drivers drive better and create a safety culture for your fleet. This can decrease insurance premiums as well as reduce driver turnover.
No matter why you are implementing driver training – to improve safety, manage risk, or increase driver job satisfaction – your fleet's profitability increases when you use a consistent, relevant driver training program. Your tucks last longer, repair costs will lower, crash risk will reduce, and driver turnover will decrease.
Preventative maintenance is one of the best ways to reduce maintenance costs over the lifetime of your vehicles. MiX by Powerfleet takes the guesswork out of maintenance scheduling. You can easily automate the process to send alerts when it's time for maintenance for each vehicle. That way, you can schedule your maintenance ahead of time and won't be surprised by sudden breakdowns. This will help keep your trucks on the road and not in the shop.
Our telematics solution gives you access to engine diagnostic data such as fuel usage and fill-ups, odometer readings, engine temperature, oil pressure, RPM, idling, exact engine hours, and more. This makes your maintenance schedules more accurate, so you can avoid paying for service on lightly used vehicles and neglecting vehicles that need servicing more often.
Vehicle fleet management solutions from MiX by Powerfleet has many benefits. You will know the exact location of each vehicle so you can meet deadlines and your customers' expectations. You can also reduce operating expenses by optimizing your drivers' routes, leading to reduced fuel use and overtime costs. Fleet managers can change routes in real-time so that their drivers can avoid traffic, construction, and accidents, saving time, and reducing downtime.